millenium management service air -con  Service

e commenced our business serving mainly the retail sector in air-conditioning systems installation and servicing.

Retail Installation

We provide air-conditioning systems installation services to the residential households in public and private housing, which includes the HDB housing, private condominiums, apartments, landed properties, and small retail outlets and restaurants and offices. 

Retail Servicing

We provide air-conditioning system maintenance, repair and replacement services to residential households in public and private housing, landed properties, and small retail outlets and restaurants.

We serve our Retail Servicing customers pursuant to existing contracts or on an ad-hoc basis. Contract servicing entails the provision of packaged maintenance services for a certain number of times conducted on a regular basis within a period of time, typically for a year. Depending on the usage frequency and pattern, and customers' preference, we have contract servicing packages catered for three to six times a year based on equal periodic schedule or as and when customers call during the contracted 12-month period.

Ad-hoc servicing refers to the provision of our maintenance, repair or replacement services for single isolated transaction without fixed contract as and when the customers call. We advise our customers on the type of servicing arrangement that is suitable for them, based on information such as the usage frequency and pattern and budget.

Air Conditioning for your Office:

Installing Air Conditioning creates a much more comfortable atmosphere, by cooling or heating the air, all year round.

With greater densities of staffing and the use of modern technology, your office may get too hot. This can lead to staff disatisfaction, fatigue and reduction in productivity levels.

Air Conditioning can give you the ability to control your working enviroment and to offer the optimum working temperature throughout the year, whatever the prevailing weather conditions.

With constantly increasing overall costs it is more important than ever to ensure that your staff productivity is maintained at all times. Effective and efficient air conditioning may be just the answer that you are looking for.

Air Conditioning for your Server Room:

Installing Air Conditioning creates a much more comfortable atmosphere, by cooling or heating the air, all year round.

Computers don't like heat. If they get too hot they work less efficiently, break down more frequently and sometimes CRASH !

The cost of "downtime" and the resultant loss of information flow can have a significant impact of profitability. Installing air conditioning in your server room can reduce "downtime", increase the life expectancy of equipment and reduce ongoing servicing costs.

Do give us a call today or drop us an email. We can solve your heat problem today!

Air Conditioning for your Home:

Installing Conditioning creates a much more comfortable atmosphere, by cooling or heating the air, all year round.

You drive an air conditioned car, you work in an air conditioned office and your holiday requirements will definitely require an air conditioned hotel. So why don't we consider air conditioning for our homes? Air conditioning your home is not as expensive as you may think.

Along with providing a comfortable environment indoors, come rain or shine, air conditioning will reduce condensation and, through filtering, mean that your air is clean and fresh at all times.

Why not make an enquiry and find out just how effective home air conditioning can be. Millenium air-con service can solve your heat problem!
